Release Date: October 19th, 2018
It is with personal regret but warm wishes that I am announcing the retirement of MAP Strategic Workforce Services’ director, Ms. Gina O’Rourke-McKay.
Ms. O’Rourke-McKay has been with the organization since its conception a little over five years ago. During her tenure, the organization experienced impressive growth. The people who have partnered with MAPSWS all reported her good- hearted nature, positive attitude, enthusiasm and great networking skills. Gina worked diligently to develop, deliver and deploy strategic workforce solutions to support the development of a learning and mentoring culture in the skilled trade sector of New Brunswick. She believed in the importance of mentoring and went above and beyond to ensure the program was available to companies and individuals who could benefit from its philosophies.
Not wanting any sort of event or celebration, we are taking this opportunity to recognize her contribution and our appreciation for her devotion to MAPSWS these past years. Please join us in wishing Gina all the best in this next phase of her life.
Hélène Savoie-Louis
Interim Director
Jane Crawford
Program Outreach & Communications Officer